Issue With Word For Office 2016 On Mac
I have got a free macro from DocTooIs that I utilized for yrs in Phrase under Windows and Mac pc, and it instantly breaks down under the newest Phrase for Mac edition. The writer of DocTools states she works only with Windows (although the macro worked well good on my Macintosh before). I obtain an mistake message nearly instantly about 'Run-Time Error 4231' and 'Command not available.' It stops at this line: 'Development day: ' Format(Time, 'MMMM d, yyyy') I cán't figure out how to debug this or what's long been changed in that newest Word up-date. I attempted turning on macros in Word and that doesn'testosterone levels transformation the outcomes. Here's the macro. Program code: Bass speaker ExtractCommentsToNewDoc ' ' ExtractCommentsToNewDoc Macro 'Macro produced 2007 by Lene Fredborg, DocTools - 'The macro creates a new document 'and concentrated amounts all feedback from the energetic document 'incl.
The new versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote provide the best of both worlds for Mac users—the familiar Office experience paired with the best of Mac. If you already use Office on a PC or iPad, you will find yourself right at home in Office 2016 for Mac.
Metadata 'Minor adjustments are usually produced to the styles used 'You may require to modify the design configurations and table design to fit your requirements ' Dim oDoc As Document Dim oNewDoc As Record Dim oTable As Desk Dim nCóunt As Lóng Dim in As Long Dim Title As String Name = 'Extract All Remarks to New Document' Place oDoc = ActiveDocument nCount = ActiveDocument.Feedback.Count number If nCount = 0 Then MsgBox 'The active document consists of no responses.' , vbOKOnly, Name GoTo ExitHere Else 'Cease if user does not click Yes If MsgBox('Perform you would like to extract all responses to a brand-new document?'
- Problems launching Word for Mac 2016 (Version 16.11) [FIXED] Last Updated: April 20, 2018 Issues affecting Word for Mac features and add-ins Issues with fonts in Office for macOS [WORKAROUND].
- I have very bizarre issues happening with my Office for Mac. Randomly in November of last year I started having issues. I was working with Office for Mac 2011 and the Mac operating system that predates El Capitane.
The problem seems to become 'Program.UserName' which when transformed to just 'UserName' allows the macro to run, but after that the industry is clear in the header, therefore I got out the whole mass for the header. I go through elsewhere that 'Author' may work. The header wasn't showing up on the 1st page, so that has been another reason to reduce the header material. And the table's cell lines disappeared with the Phrase revise, and I set that by adding.Edges.Enable = Genuine to the block out that types the desk. The issue with the table lines will be possibly a 16.9.1 issue, because preserving simply because PDF a record with a table appears to mess up the lines, across the panel on most files. I've réverted to the pré-16 version of Term. Hard drive for macbook.
I downloaded Office for Mac 2016 last night (after, yes, upgrading to OS 10 El Capitan, which I'd resisted for a few months), and discover the new version of Word infuriating! If anyone can help me with these complications, I'd be permanently happy. I'meters a college teacher who marks my student documents online, and so considerably, in one day, I've found that. The showcase order and the responses command, which I utilized to end up being capable to possess on the same screen, are right now on different ribbons, driving me to toggle back again and forth between them to level a college student paper. Needless to say, this improves the period I invest on essays by 50%. Isn'capital t presently there a method to at least make a Quick Entry Toolbar where I can have got both of those commands together? Frequently, after I save my comments on a pupil article, a dialog box maintains coming back again requesting me if I want to save the changes.
Of training course I perform - that's why I strike 'Save' in the first place! But no matter how several periods I say 'Yes,' the dialog box helps to keep coming. Sometimes I attempt to stop Word entirely after preserving an essay four or five situations, but a box still requires me if I need to save modifications before getting out of.
And if I consider to deliver the article to the college student anyhow, he or she will get it unmarked, withóut any óf my responses. This is definitely intolerable!

This final one isn'capital t as important as the initial two, but I'll point out it in any case: the older edition of Term utilized to maintain a working count number of the words and phrases in a record structured on where the cursor had been - this one doesn'capital t, and only provides the total words in a document. Can I get that earlier feature back again? I'meters sure I'll find other complications as I go, but right today, I feel like saving my Workplace 2011 from the Garbage. Re also #1: There'beds nothing anyone here can do re the UI design.
It will be what it is for much better or worse:-). Bows QAT customization has been promised but, as of yet, not shipped unless you are usually fIuent in XML, VBA RibbónX or have very limited needs that happen to drop within the scant offering currently supplied for thé QAT. In thé in the mean time, I'd suggest using the Command+Option+a key pad shortcut to place new Responses. That would permit departing the Bows concentrated on the House tab to gain access to color choices for Showing. Nevertheless, a key pad shortcut also could end up being made for the Highlight command. The limitation is definitely that it just can become used to use the most recently utilized Highlight color. The same keystroke could become utilized to remove Highlighting that experienced been applied formerly.) Re also #2: Make certain your installation of Office OS X are fully updated at all times.
Both are undergoing regular revision. Possess you restarted your Macintosh since setting up the Workplace software? If not really, I'd suggest that you perform. The problem seems like it may be a permissions issué. It may furthermore be that you're starting the file from a remote area to which Workplace isn't capable to create. This isn'testosterone levels completely Microsoft's carrying out - It's mainly owing to Apple's sandboxing necessity. I'm recommend that you down load the files to your local HD, edit Save, after that upload back again to wherever essential.
Microsoft Office
Re #3: The elimination of Live life Word Count number is usually another UI modification for which there is certainly no accessible environment or preference. In situation you hadn't observed, nevertheless, you can choose a passing the word count number on the Standing Pub will show nselected of ntotal.
• When viewing an email or meeting, click on the OneNote icon in the ribbon to get started - • Sign in to OneNote using your work or Microsoft account or select the account you would like to use - • Select the notebook and section you want to send your Outlook item to - (NOTE: you can also change the account that you would like to send to in this dialog) • And voila! Importantly, this feature will be available to Office 365 subscribers only. How do I use this feature? How to archive email in outlook 2016 for mac.
I realize that isn't what you'd prefer, but it may end up being useful. Use the ☺︎ at the correct end of the Ribbon in Word to make your requirement known to the advancement team. It would be a great idea to VOTE for an present feature demand if there is usually one. If not really, post one of your very own in: Make sure you mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to maintain list simply because clear as probable ☺ Relation, Bob J.
Ever since I improved to Microsoft Workplace 2016 on my Mac, I possess been suffering from this repeating bug. Phrase 2016 works Okay for many times. (I say “OK” and not really “great” because Word never functions great, also at the best of moments.) After that all of a sudden, for no obvious cause, it will become incapable to open or save files. The application starts exhibiting all kinds of error text messages, like the using: Additionally, if you are in the procedure of functioning on an existing document that you've been saving frequently making use of Command-S until now, all of a sudden Word begins complaining that it can simply no longer conserve the document (which might leave you stranded if you produced a lot of changes since the last period you rescued the record). Occasionally, weird troubles like this a single can become remedied by stopping and relaunching Word. Not really in this situation, though. If you try to quit and relaunch Phrase, you then obtain the following information: In additional terms, at this stage it appears like Microsoft Term 2016 provides become unable to open up any document, including its personal Normal template document.
To make matters actually more scary, if you click on on “ OK” to keep on and then test to quit Term the normal way, when attempting to quit, Word shows the right after error information: Don't click on on “ Yes”! (It won't actually perform anything, since Term is presently unable to open or save anything, but it'h still not really a good idea.) If you click on “ No”, Phrase still fails to stop. Therefore at that stage the only option is usually to force-quit Term. You can consider this entire cycle several times simply for fun if you need to, but whatever option you select in those misleading error discussion boxes, nothing will function, and Word won't move back to normal. The whole problem occurred to me again this evening. Normally, when it happens, I have got found that the only solution had been to restart the whole computer.
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Nowadays, however, I had a little time, so I made a decision to do more sleuthing. My first reflex had been to go to the System and discover if I could observe any error communications that might help much better circumscribe the problem. I first noticed that, even time I attempted to relaunch Word, the program journal would consist of something Iike this: 16-12-22 14:50:16,765 Microsoft Term50336: ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be handled. New condition will be written to /var/files/sp/fgbr368s4q5rbzb4k5w740000gn/T/ So I thought that the issue might have got to perform with some kind of issue between Word and Operating-system Back button's built-in software resuming function, which usually causes an software to reopen the home windows that had been left open up the final period the application was quit. Of training course, the irony here would end up being that Operating-system A's Application (or “Persistence”) feature has by no means been backed by Microsoft.
Word 2016 offers never happen to be capable to reopen the windows that had been left open up the last period it has been quit, even when the general setting in Operating-system X's System Preferences (under “ General”) is certainly as follows: Based on this information in the Gaming console, Microsoft's lack of assistance for this OS X function clearly does not avoid OS X itself from attempting to apply it to Term 2016, even if it will not perform anything. So my very first troubleshooting stage has been to attempt and find if I should clean whatever “saved state” might remain in my system for Word 2016 and relaunch the program. I proceeded to go to: /Library/Saved Application State/ and eliminated everything inside thát folder and tried to relaunch Phrase, but that didn'testosterone levels function. I after that proceeded to go to the exact location talked about in that information in Console: /var/files/sp/fgbr368s4q5rbzb4k5w740000gn/T/ and I cleaned everything that had been presently there and attempted to relaunch Phrase, but that didn'capital t work either. Lastly, I tried to release Word 2016 while holding the Change key down. This did make a difference, in that Term 2016 no longer displayed the message stating that it was unable to open up the Regular template. But that's easily described if you think about that beginning Word up while keeping the Shift key down successfully launches Word in a só-called “safe” condition, for troubleshooting reasons.
In that “safe” state, Word simply no longer attempts to open up the Regular design template, in situation the template itself can be the source of whatever difficulty you are usually trying to tackle. (It can be not really the source of the difficulty in this situation, which can become exhibited by the reality that the entire situation will be resolved by simply rebooting the entire program. After that, Phrase 2016 functions fine again, with the exact same Normal template.) After starting Term 2016 successfully in a “safe” state, nevertheless, I found that it was still unable to open documents. So the problem was not fixed. Essentially, this whole process suggested that the problem had nothing to perform with OS A's Resume/Persistence function and couldn'testosterone levels be set by fiddling with the files involved in that function, and that the mistake information in the Gaming console didn't really indicate anything substantial.
(I had been capable to confirm this later on by locating that the error message nevertheless made an appearance upon introducing Word actually when Phrase was functioning normally once again.) I then compensated closer attention to the other sources to Microsoft Term in the program sign in the Gaming console, and discovered multiple situations of another suspicious-looking message: 16-12-22 15:43:17,268 Microsoft Phrase61532: NSAllowAppKitWeakReferences=Yes ! I had nó idea whát it méant, but I décided to try ánd find óut if anyone onIine had ever réferred to this “ NSAIlowAppKitWeakReferences” variable in thé context of troubIeshooting Word 2016. I first discovered a, but that thread talked about a different problem (Microsoft Error Credit reporting quitting unexpectedly) and nothing at all is certainly the thread was useful in my circumstance.
After that I found. It included plenty of the typical bullshit about factors being Apple's fault, Microsoft allegedly having fixed (or not really set) the issue, Microsoft allegedly having observed that multiple users were reporting the issue and getting supposedly working on a solution, Microsoft not being included in these “ usér-to-user” dialogue forums actually though a user named “ Erik J” got “ MSFT” appearing following to his title, etc. And then I saw the very last information in the thread, from that Erik M who might or might not function for Microsoft, who pointed out the pursuing troubleshooting steps:. Close up Word. Click on the magnifying glass icon in the best right part of your screen, type Airport, and press Come back.
In the Terminal windowpane that opens, kind the pursuing and press Come back: defaults write ForceTempFilesInAppContainer 1. To guarantee that this setting worked,. Open up a Finder home window, and press Command+Shift+G. Type the following path: /Library/Storage containers/ Support/Microsoft/Temp. Press Return.
Upon establishing Phrase, this folder will be produced if it doesn't can be found, and Word will develop a temperature file inside it. Giving up Term will after that trigger this temperature document to removed, which informs us that the brand-new setting offers taken impact. I wear't really understand what this does, but I attempted it this afternoon on my machine after Word 2016 started performing up and refusing to open or save any document, and it fixed the issue! After keying in the above-mentioned defaults command in Port and relaunching Phrase, I found that it had been back to regular, able to open the Normal template without difficulty and capable to open up and save data files as expected.
Given that Erik J does not really provide any further info and that it will be the final article in the twine (out dated Aug 19, 2016), I put on't understand if it's a long term fix or a temporary one, or if it'h even supposed to become a fix. All I understand is usually that it appears to function on my machine for my copy of Phrase 2016, and that this seems to suggest that, if the problem occurs again, I might become capable to fix it without having to restart my entire device, which is of training course a significant alleviation. One ironic factor of the entire process is that, after aIl this, I uncovered that, even when Word 2016 had been back to working normally again, it still triggered the recurrence of the NSAllowAppKitWeakReferences=YES error in thé system log. Therefore maybe that mistake in itself doesn't imply anything possibly, but in fact just led me to the correct forum. I will write-up a link to this blog site article on the community forum at the end of that conversation line, and probably Erik or somebody else at Microsoft will discover it and probably (yeah best) get back again to me with a request for more details or a verification that this is usually a repair (and that it will become integrated in a future up-date). Whatever happens, I body the almost all useful point that I can do for guy Word 2016 users is certainly to write about the entire issue in a blog post, therefore presently there you are.
This access was published by Pierre Igot on Thursday night, December 22nd, 2016 at 4:02 pm and is certainly filed under. You can follow any replies to this admittance through the feed. Responses are usually currently shut, but you cán from your very own site.